I have a guilty confession to make...here are my top three things I'm loving right now! BH 90210 - The Beverly Hills 90210 reboot series has only aired a few episodes and I'm so thrilled with how they did it! It's not a typical reboot that picks up almost 30 years after the original series ended. The original cast play themselves in a distorted reality-based way. If you were a fan of the original, it's worth checking out this reboot! "The Art of Racing in the Rain" (Movie Edition) - OK - I'm a "This is Us" fan (Milo 😍). And, I love dogs (especially golden retrievers)....and well, I love Kevin Costner and Ferraris too! But, I finally had a chance to watch this in the theater and let's just say I'm so very glad there were only a few other people in the theater as I silently sobbed from the first 30 seconds to the very last 30 seconds. I have not read the book. So, I don't know how they compare, but this movie was so beauti...
As I work on the business plan for my photography studio, I am stuck on defining my target client. Which has me thinking: do I completely write off Generation Z as a bad fit for my studio? The fact that Gen Z has always owned electronic devices with cameras installed and their devices are always "connected" so their photos and videos can easily be shared with family and friends on a variety of social media accounts with one touch, leads me to conclude that these are not my target clients. But, it's hard to write off a potential 73 million clients that easily! Surely, the easier and cheaper it has become to take photos in the digital age, we seem to take more photos than the film generations before us did. The very nature of the film age of photography required photographs to be printed to be shared! And even in the early days of digital photography, photographs were still being routinely printed for albums and wall art. Combined with cheap s...